Repair is a word that terrifies everyone, numerous unsolved questions, the optimal amount of materials, which quality is better, which repair team will not let you down, why more expensive is not always better, how to fit into the budget? And hundreds more questions can keep you awake. Do you still think that it is impossible to predict all costs and calculating the cost is a waste of time, and you just need to start step by step? It doesn't matter when the cost of repairing an apartment exceeds the set budget.

Why you should not start repairs without first calculating the cost

It is worth remembering that in today's conditions, market prices for any materials fluctuate, and an incorrect calculation of their quantity can significantly affect your budget. Repair, like any other process, requires a certain sequence of actions to obtain a clear result, without unnecessary expenditure of time, money and effort.

Planning the main calculations for the repair of the apartment is the initial stage, which forms the amount of necessary materials. The lack of preliminary calculation of the cost of repair works delays the process, the execution of different types of work by different craftsmen, not agreed on terms, can significantly affect the period of occupancy. Since certain works must be performed sequentially, others in parallel.

The apartment repair estimate includes a plan of costs for repair work, construction and finishing materials.

The preparation of an estimate for repair works takes place after the development and full approval of the design project. Because, having all the technical drawings and specifications, you can get a calculation of the cost of apartment renovation and, in fact, start it with confidence.

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